Chinese: Wen Jing Tang
English: Warm the Menses Decoction
Source: Jinguiyaolue (Essentials from the Golden Cabinet)
Pulse: sunken, fine
Tongue: pale body, stasis spots, scanty fur
Abdomen: oketsu, shofukukoman
Indications: This herbal formula has been used for patients with following health conditions and symptoms:
- Irregular menstruation
- Infertility
- Cold extremities
- Hot palms and soles
- Hot flashes
- Amenorrhea (absence of menstrual bleeding)
- Extended or continuous menstrual flow
- Bleeding between periods
- Pain, distention, and cold in the lower abdomen
- Dry skin
- Dry mouth and lips
There are many other health conditions that may respond well to this herbal formula, in particular patients exhibiting indicative traditional diagnostic signs and symptoms.
Herbs in This Formula
Bakumondo (Ophiopogonis Radix), 10g
Toki (Angelicae sinensis Radix) 3g
Senkyu (Chuanxiong Rhizoma) 2g
Botanpi (Paeoniae Moutan Cortex) 2g
Shokyo (Zingiberis Rhizoma) 2g
Note: Suggested dosages of each herb in Kampo formulas are often smaller than those of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Individual dosages of herbs may be adjusted depending on each patient’s condition, constitutional patterns, quality of the herbs, and other factors involved.
Basic and Clinical Research on Unkeito – Updated on Mar. 30, 2011
Ushiroyama T, Hosotani T, Mori K, et al. Effects of switching to wen-jing-tang (unkei-to) from preceding herbal preparations selected by eight-principle pattern identification on endocrinological status and ovulatory induction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2006; 34: 177-87.
Ushiroyama T, Sakuma K, Nosaka S. Comparison of effects of vitamin E and wen-jing-tang (unkei-to), an herbal medicine, on peripheral blood flow in post-menopausal women with chilly sensation in the lower extremities: a randomized prospective study. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2006; 34: 969-79.
Koike K. A slight advantage of Kampo treatment for gynecological disease 4: Menopausal depressed mood and the herbal medicine Unkei-to. Sanfujinka Chiryo (Obstetrical and Gynecological Therapy) 2006; 92: 784-6.
Matsuo A, Koike K, Hoshina Y, et al. Study of the efficacy of unkeito for depressive and anxiety symptoms during menopause that are refractory to hormone replacement therapy. Sanfujinka Kampo Kenkyu no Ayumi (Recent Progress of Kampo Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology) 2005; 22: 70-4.
Koike K, Ohno S, Takahashi N, et al. Efficacy of the herbal medicine Unkei-to as an adjunctive treatment to hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal women with depressive symptoms. Clinical Neuropharmacology 2004; 27: 157-62.
Ushiroyama T, Ikeda A, Higashio S, et al. Unkei-to for correcting luteal phase defects. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2003; 48: 729-34.
Ushiroyama T, Hosotani T, Yamashita Y, et al. Effects of Unkei-to on FSH, LH and estradiol in anovulatory young women with hyper- or hypo-functioning conditions. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2003; 31: 763-71.
Ushiroyama T, Ikeda A, Sakai M, et al. Effects of Unkei-to, an herbal medicine, on endocrine function and ovulation in women with high basal level of luteinizing hormone secretion. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2001; 46: 451-6.