Chinese: Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
English: Coptis Decoction to Reliebve Toxicity
Source: Waitaibiyao (Medical Secrets of an Official Library)
Pulse: Rapid, forceful
Tongue: Red body, yellow fur
Abdomen: Shinkahiko
Indications: This herbal formula has been used for patients with following health conditions and symptoms:
- High fever
- Dry mouth and throat
- Irritability
- Dark urine
- Carbuncles
- furuncles
- Insomnia
- Indigestion
- Heartburns
- Gastritis
There are many other health conditions that may respond well to this herbal formula, in particular patients exhibiting indicative traditional diagnostic signs and symptoms.
Herbs in This Formula
- Obaku (Phellodendri Cortex), 3g
- Ogon (Scutellariae Radix) 3g
- Oren (Coptidis Rhizoma) 2g
- Sanshishi (Gardeniae Fructus) 2g
Note: Suggested dosages of each herb in Kampo formulas are often smaller than those of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Individual dosages of herbs may be adjusted depending on each patient’s condition, constitutional patterns, quality of the herbs, and other factors involved.
Basic and Clinical Research on Orengedokuto (Huang Lian Jie Du Tang) – Updated on Mar. 30, 2011
Zeng, H., et al. Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang exerts anti-inflammatory effects in rats through inhibition of nitric oxide production and eicosanoid biosynthesis via the lipoxygenase pathway. The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology 61, 1699-1707 (2009).
Park, S., Hong, S.M., Ahn, I.S., Kim, Y.J. & Lee, J.B. Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang supplemented with Schisandra chinensis Baill. and Polygonatum odoratum Druce improved glucose tolerance by potentiating insulinotropic actions in islets in 90% pancreatectomized diabetic rats. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 73, 2384-2392 (2009).
Li, X., et al. Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang inhibits myocardial remodeling in a rat model of metabolic syndrome. Journal of ethnopharmacology 119, 259-265 (2008).
Hsu, Y.L., et al. Huang-lian-jie-du-tang, a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, induces cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis in human liver cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology 23, e290-299 (2008).
Zhang, D.M., et al. In-vivo and in-vitro studies on the effect of Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang on nimodipine transport across rat blood-brain barrier. The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology 59, 1733-1738 (2007).
Lu, T., et al. Comparative pharmacokinetics of baicalin after oral administration of pure baicalin, Radix scutellariae extract and Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang to rats. Journal of ethnopharmacology 110, 412-418 (2007).
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Xu, J., et al. Protective effect of Oren-gedoku-to (Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang) against impairment of learning and memory induced by transient cerebral ischemia in mice. Journal of ethnopharmacology 73, 405-413 (2000).
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